IOS App Development

Featured Projects


Check out my latest project: the Jukebox app! As a college student with a passion for music and tech, I've been tinkering away to create a personalized music player that's just the beginning of what I envision. Think of it as a baby Apple Music in the making! With a cool scroll view feature, you can easily flip through songs, check out album covers, and hit play or pause with a tap. Stay tuned as I keep tweaking and improving, because this is just the start of something big.

Ski App

As a college student who's recently developed a love for skiing in the past few years, I figured, why not combine my newfound passion with my tech skills? So, I dove into creating an app tailored to fellow ski enthusiasts like me.

This app is all about helping new skiers explore ski resorts across North America. While I'm planning to expand globally in the future, for now, I'm showcasing some of the coolest spots in the US and Canada.

The app features a home page with a snowy backdrop and an animation front and center. Below that, you've got four buttons, each unlocking a different part of the app.

The first button resembles Tinder for ski resorts—swipe through and get the rundown on each ski location. Button number two pulls up a Modal View with quick descriptions of all the resorts. Click on any resort, and you'll find a detailed breakdown with star ratings and all.

Finally, button three connects you with live satellite images of each resort, while the fourth button? It's a soundtrack selector, complete with tunes that perfectly match the vibe of each ski spot.

I'm super excited about this project and can't wait to see where it takes me next!


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